CanMIND E2Energy and Environmental
                                                Canadian Mining and Industrial Consulting
              We are developing technology to beat the heat in the mining industry and create a green minescape
Dr. Daniel Cluff  P.Phys. P. Eng. C.Eng.
Daniel has worked on sophisticated projects in the Sudbury, Ontario mining industry, the most prolific mining district in the world, for over twenty years. As a physicist building the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, developing a cement free frozen backfill for permafrost mining as an environmentalist developing green energy storage concepts and recently, while living in the United Kingdom as a member of the LOWCARB team, where he developed a technology to reduce methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, while capturing the energy.
His current work is focused on developing a suite of technologies that will enable the mining industry to take advantage of the benefits of Liquid Air. By embracing Liquid Air as an energy storage vector, as has been demonstrated by Highview Power, the operations will benefit from a new method of heat absorption conducive to deep or hot mines and in the near future use a Liquid Air engine, such as the Dearman Engine to power LHD and underground transportation. The Current technology being developed in collaboration with The Dearman Engine Company and the Ultra Deep Mining Network is the Cryofanİ, a system that converts the liquid air to ventilation air at ambient temperature while absorbing a significant amount of heat. Other systems in development include Liquid Air based compressed air on demand and electricity production for underground power, both will provide power while absorbing heat.